Gourmet Mob


Date Syrup

Because your child needs the best nutrition in the early years, its best to keep them away from refined sugars from early on and as much as you can. Date syrup is a 100% natural sweetener that you can ‘bindaas’ use in your baby food. Contains fibre, inexpensive to make, high in antioxidants and is an excellent natural sweetener.


Why should I use date syrup when I can use the good ‘ol sugar?

  • Helps babies gain weight. Dates are rich in Vitamin A as well as multiple minerals like magnesium, potassium,  calcium, and iron, which help in reducing anaemic tendencies.
  • Rich source of antioxidants and contains fibre which frees them from constipation.
  • Adds flavour to their discerning palette
  •  Made with simple, homemade ingredients so its preservative-free.


Gourmet Mob has strived to make a difference in how child-caring products are consumed in the market. The date syrup that we have made in-house is 100% natural, fresh and organic. Just a simple mix of dates and water is so much better than refined grains of sugar. Also, we don’t compromise on taste. Every product is crafted with love and care to ensure that your little one is always healthy and smiling.

Founder’s Note:

As adults we don’t forget to grab a fistful of dry fruits on a daily basis, do we? So why keep our children away from dry fruits? Dates are one of the components in this category that have an excellent nutrient profile. What’s interesting to note is that date syrup can be a more conscious replacement of refined sugar. Whether it’s your tea, desserts or daily food supplement, date syrup can make up for the body’s sugar needs.
– Disha Pilani, Co-founder at Gourmet Mob