Gourmet Mob


About us

How it all started

Parenthood is an ethereal feeling, but it comes with its own set of challenges. From the moment your child is born, the battle of worrying about their nutrition begins. The challenge between balancing a child’s nutrition while also ensuring that flavour isn’t lost is something all mother’s face. With the clockwork around breakfast, lunch and dinner we mothers do terribly miss out on those precious little moments we can share with our child; don’t we?

Being involved mothers ourselves, we understand how crucial it is to assist other mothers with their baby’s nutrition so in turn that they can stress less and enjoy more. So wait, here’s an idea..Gourmet Mob!

Gourmet Mob is a concept of renovating the process of sourcing, preparing and satisfying your child’s nutrition needs; one box at a time! 

Partners in everything ‘Gourmet’

Sriya Jain and Disha Pilani, both believe that motherhood brings with it organized chaos. Gourmet mob born over endless discussion about children’s food, health and introducing nourishing “fuss free” food whatever the scenario. Disha with her MBA in marketing and working as manager in a reputed bank understood that motherhood is being able to manage all facets of life while making sure children are priority! Sriya with her double major in FDIT and a BCA along with her love for food borne during her Woodstock school days, brought a creative approach to food and raising happy children! Sriya and Disha both share a passion for food, kids, natural remedies and travel!

Mission and Vision  ❤

Because it’s a tough job to get your baby’s diet right, the Gourmet Mob’s mission is to take care of the ‘not-so-fun-part’ of mothering – planning and prepping baby meals several times a day.

  • Gourmet Mob is your easy meal planner
    Fast, fresh and fun flavours
  • Takes care of those fussy eaters
  • Subscription boxes are now your Travel buddies!
  • Fuss less and savour more memories with your little one(along with ample self-loving moments)!
  • To get more evolved in holistic child nutrition.
  • Deliver the most hassle-free, organic and freshly made nutrition packages for your little ones.
  • Introduce recipes that satiate snack cravings for all ages in the most healthy and delicious way.
  • What’s in store? An extensive range rack of health and nutrition for mothers and growing children.
  • Work towards allowing mothers to switch off ‘food stress’ and switch on some ‘me-time’ with peace of mind.