Gourmet Mob


Trail Mix

Gourmet Mob’s Trail Mix delicious, crunchy and healthy Gourmet Mob’s selection of nuts, muesli, berries, chocolate, and cheese links replenish expended energy while filling your child’s belly. Just grab a handful of these delectable munchies and rest assured you are geared with a zest for the next activity.



What’s soooooo good about this Trail Mix?

  • It’s the perfect on-the-go treat and filled with essential proteins, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals which help develop bone and muscle and boost immunity.
  • Berries and chocolates provide a much needed sweetness to the mix without adding any bad sugar.
  • Every bite guarantees a crunchy and nutritious ride.

Founder’s Note:
Order a pack and you’ll find out that our Trail Mix is any day healthier than those supermart-available ready mixes. Gourmet Mob’s Trail Mixes are fresh, nutritious, tasty, and crunchy. My toddler loved it so much when I first made a batch. She says it’s magic in every bite. Also designed for the busy moms, this pack is a delicious on-the-go option when you don’t have time to sit down for a breakfast. Put it in your purse and munch on the way.
– Sriya Jain, Co-founder at Gourmet Mob